Category: Nezaradené
Bitcoin Empire – The First Bitcoin Card Game
Bitcoin has already its own card game. “Bitcoin Empire” aims to attract new cryptofans also among card game players. The purpose of this game, not surprisingly, is to gather the most of Bitcoin and beat competitors.
The game simulates real bitcoin ecosystem, while players advance through mining, exchange building phase or hiring other experts managing their resources. At the same time they need to stay vigilant and pay attention to various sabotage activities of their competitors, such as lawsuits, hacking or media defamation.
Australian Craig Wright, a few times self-proclaimed Satoshi, might be enthralled with the game as there is an option to impersonate the Bitcoin creator or sign message based on the first block.
Bitcoin Empire needs your favour and money for production and distribution through Kickstarter. The amount collected so far is 1700 pounds of 5000 limit. The appropriate X-mass present will cost you 20 pounds including worldwide shipping.
Bitcoin Impérium – prvá bitcoinová kartová hra
Bitcoin má už aj svoju vlastnú kartovú hru. Bitcoin Impérium má pritiahnuť nových priaznivcov a oboznámiť s digitálnou menou aj hráčov stolových hier. Cieľom je, ako vždy, nazbierať čo najviac Bitcoinov a prekonať tak svojich súperov.
Hra v podstate simuluje reálny Bitcoin ekosystém, hráči prechádzajú fázami ťaženia, zakladania zmenární, či najímania rôznych odborníkov, ktorí manažujú ich zdroje. Pritom musia dávať pozor na diverzné aktivity protihráčov, ktorí majú k dispozícii rôzne deštrukčné nástroje, ako súdne žaloby, hakovanie, alebo mediálne očierňovanie.
Hru si určite rád zahrá aj niekoľkonásobne neúspešný Satoshi – Austrálčan Craig Wright, keďže je tu možnosť vyhlásiť sa za tvorcu Bitcoinu, či podpísať správu zo zakladajúceho bloku.
Bitcoin Impérium sa uchádza o priazeň a peniaze na výrobu a distribúciu cez Kickstarter. Zatiaľ sa vyzbieralo 1700 libier z požadovaných päťtisíc. Cena hry je 20 libier vrátane dopravy.
The Bear Fest Is Not Over Yet. Bitcoin Trading Points (3)
Sell: 378.75 Stop-loss: 383.75 Profit Take: 358; 348; 338
Buy: 393.32 SL: 388.32 PT: 403; 413
If you asked me what to trade other than BTC here would be my forex and indices picks for the week:
Generally long the yen (maybe the euro), especially against the British pound, Canadian, Australian dollar. Short Dow Jones, DAX. (Do not blindly place trades in the directions given above. Use your own trading strategy and look at taking setups that occur in the same direction).
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Bitcoin Trading Points (1)
Sell: 421.70 Stop-loss: 426.73 Take Profit: 413; 406; 385
Buy: 433.08 SL: 428 TP: 443; 453
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